CEI | Center for Energy Initiatives

CEP Battery Energy Storage Special Section Available for Download. Covering the economic, environmental, and social drivers motivating the adoption of grid-level energy storage, and more!

An IDEAL Path to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Learn about how the IDEAL Path concept aims to give an equal opportunity to all who wish to join the chemical engineering community. Learn more.

Giving Back

Donations made toward the Center for Energy Initiatives help engineers and scientists to network, cross-fertilize and integrate ideas to advance energy efforts across the board. Choose the best way to give

CEP Magazine

An AIChE Publication

Each issue of CEP is packed with practical information you can apply to current and future projects. AIChE members have complete access to all issues online.

CEP: June 2024

Latest Issue

The Earth has the capacity to provide an unlimited supply of heat for electricity generation, heating, and cooling. However, accessing this heat in a way that provides sufficient energy to those who need it brings many technical challenges.